From this page clients can download an Instruction Form to seek assistance from DCS for a new case ….

Instruction Forms
for new cases

Thank you for considering using DCS to help you collect a debt. Please download the relevant .pdf Instruction Form below, and return it to us (by email or post) with copies of the relevant invoice(s). We will contact you by email as soon as we receive your instructions.

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Debt owed by one business to another business

Use this Instruction Form where a business owes a debt to another business.
Neither party needs to be a limited company. As examples, a business having work undertaken by another business, a landlord having work completed on a property let for profit etc.
Download .pdf file from DCS website
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Debt owed by an individual to a business

Use this Instruction Form where an individual (or a few individuals) owe a debt to a business, and the debtor was not provided with services in the course of business.
As an example, a home-owner having work undertaken on their own residential property.
Download .pdf file from DCS website
Image of Stack of overdue invoices with person adding up on calculator.
wavy red line